hot off the press


furniture | Accessories


flowers & Potting


Kevin is Back..

Kevin | Arianna | Trinasia

Kevin Samuel is back! Kevin has teamed up with Arianna (“Home Depot Girl”) and her cousin Trinasia for a new relationship advice podcast, “Make It Make Simps”. The show for singles of all ages seeking entertaining dating advice!

Watch here

Bad Boys

For Life..

Sugar Bear | Puffs

Life has brought music moguls Marius “Sugar Bear” McKnight and Shawn “Puffs” Cones full circle as inmates in a state prison, in the web series, “Sugar Puffs”. Watch as these two old friends serve their time and help each other work through adversities while incarcerated.

Coming soon..

the Brooklyn


Rachel | Fox E. Brown | LitTle Kim

Little Kim and Fox E. have officially entered the women’s sports arena! These two rap legends, along with their co-host, have launched the internet’s hot, new sports talk podcast, “She Said What It Is!” From basketball, to tennis, this trio has you covered in women’s sports.

Coming soon..

Is it your Birthday?!

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My Wife Is A Little Ghetto.

So What!?

Chad | karina

Come with us and take a glimpse into the loving home of Mr. and Mrs. Chad Thot. Chad and Karina are newly-weds, starring in the web series, “So What, I Married A Thot!” Come with them into their home and watch as they build their loving home, in spite of their cultural differences.

Coming soon..